Kauffman Announces Voting Meeting of the House Judiciary Committee
December 10, 2021
WHAT: The House Judiciary Committee will hold a voting meeting to vote on the following bills:
• House Bill 661 – Would amend the Whistleblower Law to apply the protections of that law to employees of the judiciary.
• House Bill 1880 – Would propose an amendment to Article V, Section 15 of the PA Constitution to impose a limit of two terms of office for justices of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
• House Bill 2141 – Would propose amendments to Article V, Sections 13(c) and 15(b) of the PA Constitution to remove judicial retention elections.
WHEN: Monday, Dec. 13, at 10 a.m.
WHERE: Room 140, Majority Caucus Room, Main Capitol, Harrisburg.
Media contact: Tricia Lehman, 717.772.9840, tlehman@pahousegop.com
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