House Judiciary Committee to Host Public Hearing on Legislation to Legalize Fentanyl Test Strips

January 7, 2022

WHAT:     Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, will hold a public hearing on House Bill 1393, sponsored by Rep. Jim Struzzi (R-Indiana). The bill would legalize the possession of Fentanyl test strips for personal use to avoid deadly overdoses.  

WHO:     Kauffman, Struzzi and members of the committee. Testifiers include Jennifer Smith, secretary, Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs; Dr. Denise A. Johnson, physician general, Pennsylvania Department of Health; Roseanne Scotti, JD, senior technical advisor, Syringe Access Services, Pennsylvania Department of Health; Kami Anderson, executive director, Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission Inc.; Mike Krafick, certified recovery specialist supervisor, Armstrong-Indiana-Clarion Drug and Alcohol Commission Inc.; the Honorable Fran Chardo, Dauphin County district attorney; Aaron Arnold, executive director, Prevention Point Pittsburgh; Gail Scott, Health Policy Network; William Stauffer, executive director, The Pennsylvania Recovery Organizations Alliance; and Jeffrey Horn, MD, MPH, medical director, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction, Philadelphia Department of Public Health.

WHEN:     Monday, Jan. 10, 10 a.m. to noon. 

WHERE:     Room 523, Irvis Office Building, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.


Media contact:     Tricia Lehman, 717.772.9840,

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