Kauffman Says Governor’s Budget Would Sink PA

February 8, 2022

HARRISBURG - In response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s plan to increase state spending by $6.2 billion, Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin) issued the following statement:
“Gov. Wolf has certainly outdone himself with the final budget proposal of his administration. The fiscal irresponsibility in this budget plan is unprecedented. This budget proposes over a 16% increase in spending in a single year, leaving us in an immediate budget deficit the following fiscal year.
“The future of our economy is tenuous, at best. Inflation is running rampant. Our businesses can’t find workers, even while paying two, three and four times the minimum wage. Now he wants to replicate the unfettered spending of Washington, D.C., turning an unprecedented surplus into a deficit.


“Remember, this is not monopoly money he is playing with, this is YOUR hard-earned taxpayer dollars he is wanting to spend on new programs like day care for state employees, many of whom are still working from home.
“The people of Pennsylvania expect and deserve better. We will be working to protect Pennsylvania’s fiscal outlook for the years in which Pennsylvania will be recovering from the Wolf administration. I will be working over the next few months to advocate for a balanced budget that is fiscally responsible, supports our core functions and puts us on a path toward future prosperity.”
For more information on the governor’s state budget proposal, go to pahousegop.com.

Representative Rob Kauffman
89th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Tricia Lehman

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