Judiciary Committee to Vote on Slate of Bills Strengthening Convictions of Violent Offenders, Supporting Crime Victims
April 11, 2022
WHAT: The House Judiciary Committee, led by Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin), will lead the committee on a vote of several bills aimed at strengthening convictions of violent offenders and providing additional support for crime victims.
House Bill 1123 – Would create a fund to be administered by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency providing rewards for information leading to the arrest and conviction of offenders for criminal homicide of a law enforcement officer.
House Bill 2238 – Would limit a district attorney in a city of the first class to serving a maximum of two terms in office.
House Bill 2275 – Would reauthorize the Office of Attorney General (OAG) to prosecute violations of Section 6105 (prohibited person in illegal possession of a firearm) in a city of the first class where OAG has operated a joint-state firearm task force. Jurisdiction sunsets Dec. 31, 2025.
House Bill 2464 – Would grant crime victims legal standing to assert and enforce rights currently granted to crime victims by law in a trial or appellate court, or in another official body with jurisdiction over the victim’s case. The bill also would require that if the Commonwealth waives a victim’s rights on behalf of the victim, then the Commonwealth must show that the victim has knowingly agreed to the waiver.
House Bill 2525 – Would add a new subchapter to the Criminal History Record Information Act (CHRIA) to create a procedure by which a crime victim may obtain criminal history investigative information for use in a civil action relating to the crime, including provisions relating to the denial of requests, judicial review and other miscellaneous provisions.
WHO: Kauffman, committee members, sponsors of the bills.
WHEN: Tuesday, April 12, at the call of the chair
WHERE: Room G-50, Irvis Office Building, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.
Media contact: Tricia Lehman, 717.772.9840, tlehman@pahousegop.com
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