Kauffman to Host AARP Smart Driver Course for Older Drivers
February 1, 2023
Attendees eligible for discount on their auto insurance premiums
HARRISBURG – Back by popular demand, Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin) is once again hosting the AARP Smart Driver Course for older drivers living the 89th District in Franklin County.
“This is a great two-day course that provides older motorists with tips and techniques to help them become more confident and safer drivers,” said Kauffman. “I encourage senior drivers in the community to consider signing up for the class.”
Kauffman is hosting two, two-day courses. Those interested can sign up to attend April 12 and 13 or May 10 and 11 from noon to 4 p.m. in the meeting room at the Greene Township Building, 1145 Garver Lane in Chambersburg.
The AARP Smart Driver Course teaches participants the current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques and how to operate their vehicles more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment.
There are no tests to pass. The course costs $20 for AARP members and $25 for non-members paid by check or money order. Space is limited. Register by calling Kauffman’s district office at 717-264-3943.
Upon completion of the course, participants may be eligible to receive Pennsylvania’s multi-year auto insurance discount for insured drivers age 55 and older (consult your insurance agent for details).
Representative Rob Kauffman
89th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tricia Lehman
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