Mastriano, Kauffman Issue Statement on Proposed Reuse of Former Scotland School for Veterans’ Children Campus

September 9, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin) and Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-Adams/Franklin) today issued the following joint statement regarding the proposed reuse of the former Scotland School for Veterans’ Children campus:

“We are united in our opposition to illegal immigrants being housed by federal government contractors in Franklin County. We applaud the Greene Township supervisors for their strict interpretation of the Greene Township Zoning Ordinance, as they have officially determined the proposed use would not be a permitted use in the R-I (Low-Density Residential) Zoning District.

“While admittedly none of this is under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, we became engaged as soon as we heard rumblings of this potential reuse. This is our home township. Our families live here alongside you and your families. We have been collaborating with Congressman John Joyce to relay information to him, as he works to represent Franklin County and make sure federal funding does not arrive in Franklin County for this purpose. We have offered our full support to the Greene Township supervisors as they move forward to protect Greene Township in this process.

“We join with our neighbors, friends and constituents committed to defending Franklin County from the foreign invasion coming from our southern border. This facility usage, as envisioned by some outside groups, would irreparably change Greene Township. We must preserve our community for our children and grandchildren!”

Representative Rob Kauffman
89th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tricia Lehman

Senator Doug Mastriano
Pennsylvania Senate
33rd District 
Media Contact: Nate Silcox

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