Kauffman Announces $2.5 Million in Grant Funding for New Sports Complex, Infrastructure at Recycling Facility
November 1, 2024
HARRISBURG – State grants advocated for by Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin) have been approved for two projects in Greene and Guilford townships that will improve traffic flow and create a new recreational facility for the community.
Greene Township has been awarded $1.5 million for the construction of an indoor sports complex at the Cumberland Valley Business Park.
“The township is invested in providing needed recreational facilities for our region. Reuse of remaining lands at LIDA (Letterkenny Industrial Development Authority) for this purpose will turn the former federal lands into something beneficial for the entire community,” said Kauffman. “A new indoor/outdoor sports facility will be a welcome addition to the Chambersburg area, and I look forward to seeing this project get underway.”
In addition, Chambersburg Waste Paper Co. Inc. has been awarded $1 million for its CPW Construction Waste Recycling Facility in Guilford Township. The funding will be used for the construction of a privately owned paved access road from U.S. Route 11 to the new facility and additional paved areas to facilitate truck traffic to the facility’s transfer station and sorting area. It also includes installation of permanent truck scales, which vehicles will be required to use to be weighed when entering and exiting the facility.
“This needed infrastructure will improve operations at the facility, which serves all of southcentral Pennsylvania and beyond. I’m pleased to support the enhancement of this regional recycling operation,” said Kauffman. “I am glad the Office of the Budget recognized the need for this funding to assist our area in reaching some of its community goals.”
The Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) is a Commonwealth grant program administered by the Office of the Budget for the design, acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational and historical improvement projects.
Representative Rob Kauffman
89th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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