House Judiciary Committee Advances Kauffman Bill Supporting Human Trafficking Victims
January 30, 2025
HARRISBURG – The House Judiciary Committee this week voted in favor of legislation authored by Rep. Rob Kauffman (R-Franklin), Republican chairman of the committee, that would make it easier for human trafficking victims to bring lawsuits against their offenders.
The Commonwealth’s comprehensive human trafficking protections include a provision specifically authorizing civil lawsuits to be brought by victims against any person who participates in the human trafficking of the victim, as well as against those who recruit, profit from or maintain the victim in the sex trade, or who abuse or otherwise physically harm victims. Some of those cases may be brought in the county where the victim resides, while others may also be filed in a county where the human trafficking violations occurred.
“January is human trafficking awareness month, so it was fitting that during the first committee meeting of the year the House Judiciary Committee considered my legislation that supports trafficked victims,” said Kauffman. “We need to address human trafficking on multiple fronts, including when it comes to civil lawsuits. My legislation would revamp our laws by providing greater flexibility as to where victims can file legal action in order to hold their perpetrators accountable.”
House Bill 277 would allow civil lawsuits to be brought either where the victim resides or where the violations occurred.
The bill passed the committee unanimously and now goes before the full House for consideration.
Representative Rob Kauffman
89th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Tricia Lehman
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